We are celebrating all our friends with May birthdays this Saturday May 27. There will be cake and of course tea for everyone who stops by that day And specials for our birthday guests and one friend. You will not want to miss this. These will be monthly events. Make sure you sign up for our birthday club either in person at the store or send your name and the month and day only (we don't need the year!) of your birthday to tamingtheewe@gmail.com so you can join the fun.
June Class Schedule
Big Chain Sweater Class

Want to improve your knitting skills? Want to expand your repetoire to sweaters? Glenda Swinford will be teaching a six week course to make this great summertime sweater. The class will be $75 plus supplies and will meet at 6:30pm every Thursday starting June 1. The class is limited to 6 people so make sure to make your reservation early. This class is sure to fill up quickly.
Free Beginners Classes
Saturday June 3 and June 10 10am Beginning Knitting
Saturday June 17 10am Beginning Crochet
These classes are for first time knitters and crocheters. Although the classes are free, we do ask that students by their supplies from the store.
Please call the store to make reservations for any of these classes.
Hope to see you soon,